Peace Corps volunteersA profile of who volunteers -- and the impact the service has on their education and professional developmentWhat happens to former volunteers, who were predominantly in their 20s when they served overseas, as they continue their education and establish professional careers.See also: Peace Corps impact
Invariably recent college graduates planning to join the Peace Corps hear, “Why are you waiting to start your career?” from friends, if not their parents. But the studies show that retruned Peace Corps volunteers (RPCVs) have high success measures, with older volunteers showing high and increasing income levels. In the 1996 study, 13% of the volunteers from the 1960s had income above $100,000 per year and a significant number were self-employed.
More than half of all volunteers had earned another degree since returning from foreign service, with another 10% saying that they were working on an advanced degree. By contrast, at the time the 1996 study was done, only 7.5% of all Americans held an advanced degree, according to U.S. Census Bureau data:
![]() Though many volunteers worked in areas where regional or tribal languages were spoken, 63% said that they used a foreign language “occasionally” or “frequently” – a number that’s been very consistent across all three studies. In my case, having taught math & physics in French, 10 years later I would find myself briefing French computer engineers on personal computer technology — but in their native tongue. And more than 86% of the returned volunteers have traveled abroad again, with more than half (54%) visiting four or more countries and 25% having travelled to more than 10 countries. It can also change what you eat, adding things like chicken mwamba, sombe and samosas to your diet. In their personal assessments, volunteers have consistently judged their service to have been “personally valuable” more than 90% of the time, though even in the first study done by the Louis Harris Organization only 46% judged their work to have been valuable to the host country – and 5% said that it did NOT contribute to the development in their host country.
However, new volunteers are older than they were in the early 1990s. During the 1990s, the freeing of Eastern European economies attracted a number of older volunteers with either work experience or an MBA. Volunteers worked on projects in Eastern Europe from the privatization of companies to the establishment of national parks and the marketing of the parks. The percentage of volunteers in the 18-29 age range has declined consistently, from 96% in the 1960’s to 93% in the 1970s and then to 79% by the early 1990s. The number of volunteers who were 30-39 rose from 3% in the 1960s to 11% by the 1990s. Why do people join the Peace Corps? From the 1996 study, RPCVs said:
75% wanted to experience a different culture
The New York Times headline: “Less Zeal Found for Peace Corps” masked the most-valuable aspects of this first major study of RPCVs. More than half of the volunteers reported difficulties adjusting to life when they returned to the U.S. More than half said that life at home seemed dull after their experience working overseas. It also revealed that:
* 90% recommended it to other college graduates Whatever the volunteers found, the same New York Times story notes that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted the same day to cut Peace Corps appropriations by 10%.
![]() College Mala, a high school in Kasongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the author taught while a Peace Corps volunteer. In 1973, when this photo was taken, the school graduated 65 students every year. Almost half of all Peace Corps volunteers have taught in high schools and universities.
Graul finally got her wish to see the security issue examined when the General Accounting Office did a report in 2004, “Peace Corps: Observations on Volunteer Safety and Security”. From the Peace Corps standpoint “a survey of returned volunteers had never been done adequately before,” says Pat Kasdan, a staff member in the Office of Policy, Planning and Analysis. The original Harris study from 1969 didn’t cover post-service education and professional development and the 1997 study covered only 201 volunteers. Interviewed in 2004, Kasdan said, “I remember the director (Mark Gearan) and the staff being totally shocked at the number of volunteers reporting sexual harassment.” Kasdan, an early volunteer, adds, “It is important to compare the decades. Some of us from the first groups (1960s) were very critical. We’ve moved on to different stages of our lives. The older RPCVs get, the more they say they’ve gained.” “By contrast, someone who’s recently returned would dwell more on issues with their school, their supervisor, their friends in the country,” says Kasdan. This latest study included 1,253 responses from volunteers who served between 1961 and 1993, so all respondents had been home for at least three years. Almost 137,000 volunteers had served during that time, but the Peace Corps had addresses for about 69% of former volunteers. The survey ran eight pages and was mailed to RPCVs. NEW: RPCV comments on “Peace Corps Impact” from the 1996 study. By decade the respondents were: Only 3% were older than 50 when they entered the Peace Corps and 90% were in the 18-29 age range. Those with a bachelor’s degree upon entry into the Peace Corps accounted for 78% of the respondents. Another 8% had “some college” and 12% had an advanced degree. Juanita Graul’s conclusion was that “the Peace Corps experience has not changed appreciably over the decades”. But there are real surprises in the data, from the high incidence of sexual harassment to the fact that 5% of the respondents said that they would rejoin the Peace Corps after retiring.
For career measures, the 1996 study asked what impact volunteering had on future employment: Respondents over the decades were consistent, giving a 66% to 75% response to the “help” categories. Volunteers during the 1970s said that it slowed them down 6% of the time but for the other decades only 3% of those surveyed felt the same way. As for where the RPCVs were employed, the 1996 study showed the following results. But there were enormous skews hidden with that data. For example, RPCVs from the 1960s accounted for 65% of the self-employed, though they were only 42% of the sample. Also, men were over-represented in business (72%) and women in education (55%). One of the surprises is that only 62% of those surveyed were married. In 24% of the cases, RPCVs were single and another 10% divorced or separated.
As for the safety-related issues that spurred Juanita Graul to propose the 1996 study, there were dramatic shifts away from political harassment to sexual harassment and street robbery over the decades. Political or natural disaster incidents were flat across the years – except for the 1990s, when Peace Corps evacuations rose suddenly. But there were large differences depending on where volunteers served, as the Asia-Pacific region had a low proportion of sexual harassment, street robberies and detentions by government officials. Graul also noted that women suffered the most from sexual harassment and attempted or actual sexual assault, being the victims more than 92% of the time (95% for harassment). Men were more likely to experience political harassment (65% of the cases) or be detained by officials (69%).
Author Paul Theroux wrote his first collection of short stories while in Malawi (1963-65). In the book “Dark Star Safari” he goes back visit both Malawi and Uganda (where he taught at the university after his Peace Corps service). Chris Matthews, host of NBC’s “Hardball,” was a volunteer in Swaziland (1968-70) as was TV home repair guru Bob Vila (Panama, 1969-70). There is one U.S. senator: Christopher Dodd, D-CT, (Dominican Republic, 1966-68). Paul Tsongas, D-MA, was the first former Peace Corps volunteer to serve in the Senate (starting in 1979). There have been two governors: Jim Doyle of Wisconsin and his wife, Jessica, were both in Tunisia, 1967-69. And Ohio’s Robert Taft, a Republican, who led that state as governor from 1999-2007, was in Tanzania, 1963-65. And lots of us have been successful in business. When you see how poorly government enterprises are run in some countries or get to witness a good kleptocracy at work, it can make you an ardent capitalist. Some well-known business people who are RPCVs include:
Frank Buzzetta, CEO of Hecht’s (India, 1968-1972) For a continually updated list of well-known RPCVs, see these Peace Corps pages:
Peace Corps, “Notable Former Volunteers”
Peace Corps Writers The Peace Corps itself put together a “Recommended Reading” list for Peace Corps week in 2008 that includes four works of non-fiction and four books written by RPCVs for children.
Peace Corps
Tidwell’s book is well-written, coming to a climax in one chapter. The chapter is good enough to stand alone, so Geraldine Kennedy picks it and a dozen other stories in “From the Center of the Earth: Stories out of the Peace Corps”, Clover Park Press, 1991. Kennedy’s collection is made up of all non-fiction tales from around the world. The book adds maps at the introduction to each, so that the reader has some idea where the locale is within a country. Like Tidwell, Kennedy is an RPCV (Liberia). Karen Schwarz, author of “What You Can Do for Your Country: Inside the Peace Corps, a 30-year History,” is not a returned volunteer. In 1982, two years out of college she considered becoming a volunteer. But when she realized that the work might be arduous and living conditions tough, “I realized I would not last two weeks, let alone two years.” Still, she’s assembled one of the half-dozen histories of the Peace Corps, tracking policy changes through administrations and into the George Bush, Sr. years, when Eastern Europe began to experiment with free market economies. The perspective as a non-volunteer makes it clear that the agency is part of the government and as such is subject to the policy decisions of politicians in the administration. A recent book, "Blaming Japhy Rider", by Philip Bralich details what happened in the 30 years after an accident in Togo that killed his wife and cut short his job teaching English.
RPCV Directory at Peace Corps Online Chicago Area Peace Corps Assoc. (CAPCA) Directory of Peace Corps links
Peace Corps Writers Directory of regional RPCV organizations
“Age Differences in Volunteers’ Reaction to Overseas Service,” Allard and Wrigley, 1965
“Volunteers for Peace,” Stein, 1966
Psychiatric Opinion
“Survey of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers,” TransCentury Corp., 1969
“The Returned Volunteer: A Perspective,” Longsworth, 1971.
“Analysis of Former Peace Corps/VISTA Questionnaire,” Toote, 1972
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
“Growthful Re-Entry Theory: A Pilot Test of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers,” Adler, 1976
“Impact of VISTA and Peace Corps Service on Former Volunteers and American Society: Phase I Report,” Smith for Contract Research Corp., 1977
“Recommendations for Former Peace Corps and VISTA Volunteer Programming – Final Report,” Independent Foundation (1978)
“A Survey of Former Peace Corps and VISTA Volunteers: The Post Peace Corps Experience,” Contract Research Corp. (CRC), 1979
“Culture Shock Among Peace Corps Volunteers,” Leech, 1985
“Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Can They Go Home Again?” Olsen, 1985
“Return to Society: Problematic Features of the Re-entry Process,” Jansson, 1986
“The Peace Corps Experience: Its Lifetime Impact on U.S. Volunteers,” O’Donoghue and O’Donoghue, 1987
“The Effect of Peace Corps Service on RPCVs,” Mankowski, 1988
“Final Report from RPCV Pretest Survey,” NSI Research Group, 1989
“The Impact of a Transition Workshop on Re-entry Anxiety of Peace Corps Volunteers,” Hatzell, 1991
“An Application of Expectancy Violations Theory to Intercultural Re-entry Shock,” Waddell, 1992
“Readaptation of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers,” Adam, 1993
International Journal of Aging and Human Development
Journal of Travel Medicine
Reverse Culture Shock: The Peace Corps Volunteers’ Experience
with Reentry, Heather Fristick, December, 2005.
Peace Corps
Last updated: 12/17/2020
A collection of material written by Andy Czernek, of Mukilteo, WA.
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* Fry Family of Ashland County, Ohio, a family genealogy site
* Sinking of the SS Golden Gate, the story of the fire and sinking of the steamship off Manzanilla, Mexico in 1862
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